Hiccups can be irritating, even exhausting. This relaxation for getting rid of hiccups can help make hiccups go away.

This relaxation technique involves three things for getting rid of hiccups: slow breathing, mental focus, and muscle relaxation. Usually these techniques stop hiccups within a minute or two.
This is a quick relaxation technique, even if you don’t have hiccups, to quickly calm your breathing and relax your muscles. This exercise is not a substitute for medical advice, so if you have tried relaxing and the hiccups still will not stop, consult a medical professional.
This relaxation technique involves three things for getting rid of hiccups: slow breathing, mental focus, and muscle relaxation. You can repeat the exercise as many times as you need to. Usually with these techniques I find that hiccups stop within a minute or two. Sometimes they may come back and the exercise may need to be repeated.
Once you know how to get rid of hiccups, you will be able to use these techniques any time to make hiccups go away fast.
Relaxation Exercise
Begin with breathing. Your diaphragm is experiencing spasms when you hiccup, so breathing slowly can help to calm and relax the diaphragm. Breathe in very, very slowly…only taking in a little bit of air. Slow…now pause. Hold that breath for a few seconds while you focus on being as relaxed as possible. Now very slowly let a little bit of air out. Breathe out so slowly…and then pause for a moment before the next breath.
Now as you keep breathing slowly like this, allow your breaths to occur at a comfortable pace. Breathe very gently. Gentle, slow, calm breaths.
Concentrate now on the muscles that move when you breathe. Choose a movement that you will do at the exact same time as the next hiccup makes a sound. You could snap your fingers, tap your foot, or clap, for example. I’ll refer to snapping your fingers, but you can choose whatever movement works for you.
The relaxation for getting rid of hiccups exercise continues in the video below, or here, at the Relaxation Audio with Candi podcast.
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