Relaxation for overcoming panic attacks in public is an exercise that will help you regain a feeling of calm if you find yourself experiencing a panic attack. You can listen to this relaxation audio to stop a panic attack that occurs in a public place or when you are on your own.

Take a moment to pause. You are safe. It is okay to feel anxious. This feeling will pass. It is not going to hurt you.
You can breathe. Breathe out a little by blowing out the air through your lips, as if you were blowing out the flame of a candle. Good.
Breathe in slowly when you inhale. Keep breathing slowly in and out.
Focus on my words for a few moments. Just be right here in this moment. You are safe. Allow yourself to feel however you are feeling. It is okay. Don’t try to fight any anxiety that comes…just let it rise like a wave that will soon recede. It will ebb away, and you will become calm. For now, however you are feeling is okay.
Panic attacks will not hurt you. A panic attack feels scary, but you are safe, and you are getting through this.
Anxious feelings can help you and make you strong. Ready to face anything that comes your way. You are ready and you are strong. Your body is prepared for action. Your mind is sharp. You are getting through this.
Let’s use counting now, to help your breathing become calm and relaxed.
Breathe in 1 2 3 4. Pause. Breathe out 1 2 3 4 5.
In 1 2 3 4. Pause. Out 1 2 3 4 5.
Inhale 1 2 3 4. Pause. Exhale 1 2 3 4 5.
Keep breathing slowly. You are safe.
Turn your attention now to your environment.
Continue the relaxation for overcoming panic attacks in public exercise in the video below.
Find more relaxation audio for a variety of situations. The latest Relaxation Audio with Candi podcast episodes are available here.