This relaxation script is a white noise river meditation for falling asleep. In this one hour long sleep story visualization, imagine various items floating by in a peaceful river as you watch and relax.
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White Noise River Relaxation Script
Lie down and get comfortable as you prepare to go to sleep. Close your eyes, and take a moment to breathe. Allow each breath to move slowly in and out as you begin to settle in.

Let any worries go, and turn your attention inward. In your imagination, create a relaxing place with a peaceful river. Imagine lying in the grass next to the river. Dappled sunlight filters through the gently moving leaves of the trees, keeping you the perfect temperature.
As you imagine resting here, allow your body to start to relax. Let your arms go limp… letting go. Allow the muscles to become loose and relaxed all the way from your shoulders… to your elbows… and now to your wrists… now to your hands. Your hands and arms might even feel slightly tingly, a bit warm, and heavy with relaxation.
Let your legs relax now, relaxing the muscles of your hips, upper legs, knees, lower legs, ankles, and feet. Imagine a pleasant feeling of heaviness in your feet as they relax… so nice and warm and heavy.
Relax your trunk. Allow the muscles of your back to relax… unwinding… so loose and relaxed. Relax your sides, chest, and stomach. Notice how your body moves gently in and out with each breath. Relaxing more and more deeply… sinking into relaxation.
Allow your neck to relax… totally limp and relaxed. Let every muscle let go. You may even feel your muscles loosen and lengthen as they relax. Feel your body unwind. It feels so good to relax.
Imagine the sun shining down through the leaves. Gently moving patches of sun and shade dance along your face. Allow your face and head to relax now… becoming so soft and relaxed. Letting go of all tension, and leaving only relaxation.
Your body is so pleasantly warm. A soft breeze blows, cooling your face.
Picture relaxing in this peaceful place next to the river. Create the details in your imagination to make this scene peaceful and inviting. Sitting in the grass next to the river, you can watch the water flow by. Smooth, round rocks create swirls in the water where it flows around them. The flowing, swirling water is so peaceful to watch.
Imagine the details of this place. How deep is the water of the river? What colour is the water? How many rocks are in the river? Is the riverbed sandy or rocky, or a mix of both?
How many trees are around you? Are the trees large or small? How far do the trees sway in the gentle breeze?
Imagine the clean, earthy smell of the river. Breathe in the scent of nature. Everything is so peaceful here.
It is afternoon, and the sun is gradually moving lower in the sky. Picture the sky. It is a beautiful blue. Are there any clouds? How much of the sky can you see through the leaves of the trees? Imagine the picturesque sky above.
Here in this peaceful place, it is calm and quiet. The sound of the river is so relaxing and peaceful. Allow the calming sound of the river to calm and relax you.