One Hour White Noise River Meditation for Sleep

This relaxation script is a white noise river meditation for falling asleep. In this one hour long sleep story visualization, imagine various items floating by in a peaceful river as you watch and relax.  Thank you for listening to Relaxation Audio with Candi. This podcast provides a variety of relaxation…

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PEM and Chronic Fatigue ME/CFS Relaxation: A Morning in the Park

This ME/CFS relaxation is a calm, low key way to reset and recover from a crash if you have post-exertional malaise (PEM) or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This relaxation script can also be relevant for those who have long COVID, post-COVID, depression, stroke, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, or other…

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Quick Mental Vacation: Tropical Getaway

This quick mental vacation allows you to imagine a tropical getaway. Relax and de-stress as you use visualization to enjoy a pleasant market, delicious meal, and pristine beach. An ideal quick relaxation break for when you just have a few minutes available. This visualization takes just 10 minutes. Tropical Getaway…

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Finding Refuge in God’s Presence: Psalm 16

This relaxation audio is a Biblical meditation about finding refuge in God’s presence. Psalm 16 is about fellowship with God and finding your happiness and joy in Him. This exercise includes meditating on the concept of finding refuge in the presence of God and a reading of Psalm 16 from…

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Relaxing in Safety

Imagine relaxing in safety next to a gentle river, and feeling completely calm and peaceful as you let your worries melt away. Includes calming river sounds in the background. Welcome to Relaxation Audio with Candi. Each week, I record a new relaxation script. Today’s episode includes visualization and passive progressive…

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Relaxing by the Fireplace

A guided visualization where you imagine relaxing by the fireplace while snow falls quietly outside. Autogenic relaxation techniques help to relax the body by imagining feelings of heaviness and warmth in your hands and feet, and will leave you feeling pleasantly warm and calm. Visualization allows you to imagine a…

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Safe Place Relaxation

A safe place relaxation. Imagine relaxing by a tranquil waterfall in the forest where you feel completely safe and peaceful. Safe Place Relaxation Script Get comfortable and close your eyes as you begin this safe place relaxation exercise. Let’s begin with calm breathing. Breathe in through your nose, and release…

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Quieting the Mind to Prepare for Sleep

Calming and quieting the mind to prepare for sleep. Stop racing thoughts, anxiety, or a busy mind that interferes with sleep. Visualize stormy water calming to gentle, rhythmic waves. Listen to this sleep relaxation script here. Quieting the Mind to Prepare for Sleep Relaxation Script Get ready to sleep. Choose…

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Gentle Rain and Thunder Sounds

Try this calming rain and thunder sounds binaural audio as a calming background track. This audio track has no lyrics and no talking; it is just a rainstorm. Perfect white noise for relaxing background rainstorm sounds to play while reading relaxation scripts. Rain splashes gently. Hear the raindrops falling on…

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Warm Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep

Fall asleep with this warm autogenic relaxation for sleep. Autogenic relaxation techniques can be effective for inducing a relaxation response. Imagining a pleasant warm and heavy feeling can create changes in blood flow that promote relaxation.  This peaceful and calm relaxation exercise will help you unwind so you can fall…

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