One Hour White Noise River Meditation for Sleep

This relaxation script is a white noise river meditation for falling asleep. In this one hour long sleep story visualization, imagine various items floating by in a peaceful river as you watch and relax.  Thank you for listening to Relaxation Audio with Candi. This podcast provides a variety of relaxation…

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Relaxing by the Fireplace

A guided visualization where you imagine relaxing by the fireplace while snow falls quietly outside. Autogenic relaxation techniques help to relax the body by imagining feelings of heaviness and warmth in your hands and feet, and will leave you feeling pleasantly warm and calm. Visualization allows you to imagine a…

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Gentle Rain and Thunder Sounds

Try this calming rain and thunder sounds binaural audio as a calming background track. This audio track has no lyrics and no talking; it is just a rainstorm. Perfect white noise for relaxing background rainstorm sounds to play while reading relaxation scripts. Rain splashes gently. Hear the raindrops falling on…

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