Today’s relaxation script is a Bible reading of Psalms 23 and 24. Relax as you meditate on God’s word and ponder God’s protection and glory.
Bible translation from the Open English Bible, available at
Relaxing Bible Reading: Psalms 23 and 24
Let’s begin today’s relaxing Bible reading. Start by getting into a comfortable position. Close your eyes if you want to, and be still. Just breathe, and allow your mind to clear.

Let go of the cares and worries of your day. Focus on only this moment. Prepare to focus on God in a time of quiet contemplation and meditation.
Release all concerns as you begin to relax.
You may want to start with a prayer. For the next minute, you can choose whether to pray or just to listen and hear from God. Breathe calmly as we take one minute of silence to be with God.
(Pause one minute)
Be still as you rest here in God’s presence. Let’s read Psalms 23 and 24 now.
The relaxing Bible reading relaxation script continues in the video below.