Prayer and Relaxation for Feeling Peaceful

Christian relaxation exercise focused on feeling peaceful by spending time with God. It includes prayer, relaxing the body, and being in God’s presence, safe and protected.

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After the prayer, relax the body by releasing tension from muscles. And then for the remainder of this relaxation for feeling peaceful, draw near to God, feeling His love and acceptance, wrapped up in His protective embrace. Enjoy a peaceful, relaxing time of nearness to God and enjoying God’s presence.

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Prayer and Relaxation for Feeling Peaceful Script

I would like to start this relaxation exercise with a short prayer. Prayer helps me set aside the worries of my day so I can relax. It also helps me focus on God, Who is my source of comfort, strength, peace, and rest. 

You can pray along with me if you want to. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help me to set my worries aside so I can relax. I pray for your protection over me. I pray that I can hear from you in this time of quiet, and that this may be a restful, peaceful, healing time. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Now focus on getting comfortable and allowing your muscles to start to relax. Take a deep breath, in through your nose, and as you breathe out through your mouth, let go of tension, just letting your muscles go limp and loose. 

Breathing Relaxation

Take slow, even breaths in…and out.

A calming breath in…and a relaxing breath out.

Breathing in relaxation, and as you exhale, releasing tension.

Slowly in…and calmly out.

Continue these calm breaths, letting your body relax with each one.

Muscle Relaxation

Notice how your body feels. You may have muscles that are holding some tension. Common areas where tension may be held include the shoulders, neck, jaw, and hands. Let’s relax these areas, starting with your shoulders.

Let your shoulders sink down a little. Soften and relax these muscles. Allow the muscles of your shoulders to lengthen as they relax. Imagine the muscles loosening and getting softer and more relaxed. Feel your shoulders sinking ever so slightly as the muscles give up their hold. Take a moment to focus on this area as you breathe slowly, allowing your shoulders to completely relax.


Now turn your attention to your neck. Notice that by thinking about relaxing your neck muscles, your neck becomes a little bit less tense. As you continue to focus on relaxing your muscles, they become a bit softer and looser. Imagine all the muscles loosening and relaxing, as if they are melting and becoming more pliable. Let your neck fully relax. Keep breathing slow, calm breaths, and let your neck muscles totally relax. 


The Christian Prayer and Relaxation for Feeling Peaceful script continues in the video below.

Prayer and Relaxation for Feeling Peaceful

Christian relaxation exercise focused on feeling peaceful by spending time with God. It includes prayer, relaxing the body, and being in God’s presence, safe…

Looking for more Christian relaxation scripts that focus on God’s word? Try Biblical Affirmations for Self-Esteem and Peaceful Thoughts Meditation.