If you have neck pain or a headache, self-massage can help. Try this guided self-massage to relax face and neck muscles and relieve headaches and neck pain. Feel totally relaxed with this guided facial massage.
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Guided Self-Massage Relaxation Script
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, and prepare to do a relaxing self-massage of the muscles of your face, head, and neck.
Begin by gently placing your fingers on your forehead. Touch your forehead very lightly, so your fingertips are barely touching your skin, and move both hands from the middle of your forehead to your temples. Repeat this movement, ever so softly moving your fingertips from the middle of your forehead, above your nose…over your eyebrows and all the way to the outer edges of your forehead. Continue to repeat this movement, smoothing your fingertips across your forehead very gently. Use a soft touch so your skin does not move.
As you massage your forehead lightly, imagine that your forehead is becoming very smooth. Allow your forehead to relax…completely free from tension.
Now move your hands out to the sides of your face, and gently tap your fingertips on your temples and cheeks. Very gently tap…like raindrops falling softly on your skin. Move your hands slightly up toward your eyebrows, and down toward your cheekbones, tapping your fingertips gently on the sides of your face.
Stop for a moment now to rest your hands and arms, and breathe slowly, relaxing with your eyes closed.
Notice how your face feels. Can you feel a slight feeling of relaxation in your temples?
When you are ready, place your fingertips on your cheekbones. Press gently, and move your fingers in small circles over top of your cheekbones.
The guided facial massage relaxation script continues in the video.