Do you have difficulty getting to sleep because you feel too warm? This guided relaxation can help you get to sleep more easily on warm nights or if you feel too hot to sleep. Imagine feeling cool and relaxed by visualizing a peaceful, cool setting and a pleasant feeling of coolness.
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Feeling Cool and Relaxed – Full Relaxation Script
Get ready to go to sleep by getting into a comfortable position. It may be helpful to get a cool, wet cloth, an ice pack, or a damp cloth that has been in the freezer to help cool your body. This bit of cold can help to cool your entire body, even if you are in a warm room. Place the cool cloth on your forehead, neck, or chest. If using an ice pack, cover your skin with a cloth so the ice is not directly against your skin.
Close your eyes, and begin by slowing your breathing. Take a deep breath in, and let go of tension as you breathe out. Take a few moments to just breathe and start to relax. Breathe at your own pace…slow, calm breaths.
Now start to create an image in your mind. Imagine that you are sitting in the shade next to a peaceful pool of calm, cool water. The air around you is pleasantly cool, with a gentle breeze. There is a comfortable cot for you to lie on.
Imagine taking a large towel and a small cloth, and dipping both of these into the cold water. Then imagine lying back, and placing the cool cloth on your forehead. Picture covering your body with the heavy, cool towel. So nice and cool. Imagine that the towel covers your body all the way from your feet to your shoulders. So relaxing.
Imagine the pleasant, cool heaviness of the towel on your body. Feel the refreshing coolness of the cloth on your forehead. Both provide a gentle, calming pressure.
Breathe slowly, taking calm, relaxing breaths, as you picture the pleasant, cool heaviness of the towel draped over your body.
Imagine that the water from the cloth and towel gradually seeps out, and runs in cool rivulets over your body. Focus on your feet, and imagine the cool water gently running down from your toes…to your heels…and draining away. Imagine the feeling of the water on your feet.
Imagine that the water leaving the towel is like tension leaving your body. Relaxing. Imagine tension dripping away…easing…becoming relaxed.
Water is slowly evaporating from the towels, too. Picture the towel gradually becoming lighter…cooling you as the water slowly evaporates. Imagine all tension leaving…evaporating…disappearing. Leaving your body completely relaxed and free from tension.
Imagine the feeling of a cool breeze on your cheeks…softly touching your skin…leaving your face relaxed. Allow your face to relax completely…smooth and relaxed. Letting go of all tension.
Picture the cool feeling of the towel against your skin. As the water continues to evaporate and disappear, it cools your body. It is almost as if your body is becoming heavier as the towel becomes lighter.
Your eyelids might feel pleasantly heavy…so comfortable.
With every breath, imagine your body becoming more relaxed. Just like the towel becoming ever lighter, your body is becoming more relaxed. Imagine your muscles loosening, letting go of tension, and becoming completely relaxed.
Imagine any feelings of tension, or worry, or stress fading away. Evaporating just like the water from the towel.
Imagine that all the water has evaporated now, and the towel and cloth are light and dry. Picture a cool breeze…and imagine that breeze blowing away the towel and cloth. You can feel the pleasant coolness of the breeze on your skin…cooling your body even further.
It feels so nice, and so cool. Just rest and relax…letting go of all worries and leaving only relaxation.
Allow your mind to drift as you become more and more deeply relaxed. So calm and peaceful. Drift more deeply toward sleep as you relax pleasantly…peacefully. Completely relaxed.
Total peace and serenity.
Drifting off to sleep. Pleasantly cool. So comfortable. So calm.
Deeply relaxed. Deeply asleep. A calm, deep, pleasant sleep. Restful and peaceful sleep.
Feeling Cool and Relaxed to Get to Sleep – Video
More Sleep Relaxation Scripts
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