Fall asleep with this warm autogenic relaxation for sleep. Autogenic relaxation techniques can be effective for inducing a relaxation response. Imagining a pleasant warm and heavy feeling can create changes in blood flow that promote relaxation.
This peaceful and calm relaxation exercise will help you unwind so you can fall asleep quickly.

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Warm Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep: Full Relaxation Script
Begin by getting comfortable. Lie down with your arms at your sides and legs uncrossed to promote good circulation.
Close your eyes, and take a moment to let your worries go.
Just breathe.
As you settle in, turn your attention to your feet. Focus on your feet. Let your feet begin to relax. Imagine your feet becoming warmer. You may even notice a feeling of warmth beginning in your toes.
Almost tingly…slightly heavy…pleasantly warm and relaxed. Imagine this warmth in your toes spreading to the rest of your feet. Moving to the arches…warming the bottoms of your feet until your feet are completely warm and relaxed all the way to your heels.
Imagine putting your feet into nice, warm water. Picture submerging your feet so the warm water comes up to your ankles. Feel the warmth in your feet allowing your feet to completely relax. The warmth is so soothing.
Your feet may feel heavy…so heavy and warm. Pleasantly relaxed.
Next, focus on your hands.
Focus on your hands now. Imagine a feeling of warmth starting at your fingertips. Imagine your fingertips warming…getting warmer and more relaxed. As you imagine your hands becoming warmer, you may notice that they really are warming up. Your hands may feel a bit heavy…so pleasantly heavy…so relaxed.
Let your hands become totally limp. So completely relaxed. Feel your hands becoming even warmer…warming your fingers…palms…and the backs of your hands, all the way to your wrists. Picture your hands relaxing…becoming heavy and warm…so relaxed.
As your hands and feet relax, imagine them becoming so nice and heavy. Weighed down by relaxation…so relaxed and warm.
Imagine the relaxation spreading. Moving from your hands and feet…relaxing your arms and legs, as they too become nice and warm and relaxed.
Sink down into relaxation…as if your muscles are melting and softening and becoming totally limp. Fully relaxed. So deeply relaxed.
Imagine a feeling of sleepiness…becoming ever more relaxed and pleasantly sleepy. You may even feel your eyelids becoming heavier…drooping down into total relaxation.
Your hands and feet are so warm and so relaxed. Your eyelids are heavy…relaxed…it feels so peaceful.
Give up tension.
Allow your muscles to give up any tension…becoming so relaxed. Even more deeply relaxed.
Let your mind drift…just relaxing peacefully as you float toward relaxation and sleep. It might be hard to even stay awake because you are so tired and so relaxed. Perhaps all you want to do is just drift off…with your eyes closed and your breathing slow and regular…so nice and slow and steady.
Feel the pleasant sensation of warmth in your hands and feet. Your hands and feet are so relaxed. It may almost feel like they are getting even heavier…maybe even sinking down into the surface where you are lying. So warm…so peaceful. Complete peace and relaxation.
Your hands and feet might feel like they are made of smooth, heavy, lead. So heavy and so warm. It might feel like your hands and feet are heavy, and at the same time, weightless. It is almost like floating in warm water…carefree…so relaxed.
Just drifting.
So nice…warm…peaceful…relaxed.
Let your muscles become totally relaxed…as if they are melting in this warmth…unwinding…loosening….so perfectly relaxed.
Relax and fall asleep.
Continue the autogenic relaxation for sleep. Allow your mind to drift toward sleep…slowly falling asleep…but enjoying the feeling of relaxation so much that you just want to focus on how nice and relaxed your body feels.
Your eyelids…so relaxed…imagine the pleasant feeling of heaviness in your eyelids. It feels so good to relax with your eyes closed…as you drift…drifting off to sleep.
Your hands and feet are so nice and warm…warming and relaxing your whole body. Such a pleasant warm feeling…so relaxing. Totally relaxed.
Allow a pleasant and peaceful feeling of sleep to overtake you. Just relaxing…so peacefully. Total serenity and calm.
Drifting…drifting off…a peaceful, pleasant sleep. Such a deep sleep…so restful…
Completely relaxed.
Sleep. Sleeping. Deeply asleep.
More Sleep Relaxation and Autogenics Exercises
- Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep
- Autogenic Relaxation Technique
- Relaxing by a Campfire: A Sleep Relaxation Script
- Hammock Visualization and Sleep Countdown
- Insomnia Relief Relaxation
- Sounds of Rain and Thunder: Gentle Rainstorm Relaxation for Sleep
- Calm Story to Get to Sleep
- Fall Asleep Fast Relaxation
- All sleep relaxation audio