A safe place relaxation. Imagine relaxing by a tranquil waterfall in the forest where you feel completely safe and peaceful.

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Safe Place Relaxation Script
Get comfortable and close your eyes as you begin this safe place relaxation exercise. Let’s begin with calm breathing.
Breathe in through your nose, and release the air slowly through your mouth.
Breathe in…and out.
Continue to breathe slowly. Let each breath relax you.
Allow your arms and legs to go limp. Let your muscles be relaxed and loose. Imagine your muscles relaxing and unwinding…like springs that were tight and tense, which unfurl as if they are melting. Softening. Relaxed, loose. It feels so good to relax.
Let any areas of your body that are holding onto tension just relax…release that tension.
Breathe…becoming more deeply relaxed with every breath.
Take ten slow breaths now, at your own pace. Silently count each breath.
Keep breathing…counting each breath. If you lose count, just start again at 1. Relax more with every breath you take.
Continue to count your breaths…breathing slowly…relaxing.
Now you can stop counting and just relax. Start to imagine a peaceful, safe place. Perhaps your safe place is a little grassy space next to a peaceful waterfall.
The grassy area is surrounded by a beautiful forest. Imagine sitting on the grass next to the rocks where the waterfall flows gently down. Picture feeling warm and relaxed.
This place is so peaceful and quiet. The only sounds are the water flowing and birds singing. The grassy area where you are sitting overlooks a pond at the bottom of the waterfall.
Take a moment to imagine how peaceful it is here. The air is still, and so fresh and clean. Imagine breathing in deeply, and smelling the trees of the nearby forest. Perhaps you can smell flowers, too. The trees shelter you here, and provide a safe refuge where you can relax.
Listen to this guided visualization in the video.