Imagine relaxing in safety next to a gentle river, and feeling completely calm and peaceful as you let your worries melt away. Includes calming river sounds in the background.
Welcome to Relaxation Audio with Candi. Each week, I record a new relaxation script. Today’s episode includes visualization and passive progressive muscle relaxation techniques to leave you feeling totally relaxed.

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Relaxing in Safety Visualization Script
Sit or lie down and get comfortable. Close your eyes, and just be still.
Concentrate on being present in this moment. Let any worries or distractions fade into the background, and focus on breathing. Take calm breaths. Consider how this simple, ever-repeating, basic body function brings oxygen to your body and takes carbon dioxide away.
You are breathing all the time, even when you are not thinking about it. Your body takes care of this task automatically, but you can also breathe on purpose. You can change the depth and pace of your breaths deliberately. Notice how you can breathe ever so slowly… allowing the air to move slowly in… and slowly out.
Take a few slow breaths at your own pace, focusing on the gentle movement of the air as you breathe.
Begin to create a picture in your mind. Imagine that you are lounging near a peaceful river. The river is calm and beautiful. It is the perfect safe place.
Imagine the details of this safe, peaceful place. Is the river in a quiet forest, a lush green meadow, a peaceful valley, a welcoming park? Imagine the ideal safe place where you can relax near the gentle river.
The Relaxing in Safety script continues in the video.