Increase feelings of motivation with this guided relaxation exercise for overcoming fatigue. Boost energy, reduce fatigue, and improve focus. Remind yourself to set limits and prioritize without feeling guilty.
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If you experience chronic fatigue, you know that fatigue is more than just feeling tired. It can be an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that makes any activity difficult. This guided relaxation exercise for overcoming fatigue can help increase feelings of motivation. It can also help you set limits and prioritize without feeling guilty.
Even if you do not have chronic fatigue, this relaxation exercise can help increase your energy and motivation to help you get going when you may not feel like it at first.
You may be wondering if relaxation will make you more tired. Sometimes we associate relaxation with slowing down and resting. But relaxation can also help to energize you. Relaxation techniques help reduce tension and anxiety, and can also boost energy, reduce fatigue, and improve focus.
Begin the Guided Relaxation Exercise
Let’s begin the exercise by getting comfortable, and then dealing with the thoughts that can help with overcoming fatigue.
Adjust your position to be as comfortable as possible. Ideally, choose a comfortable chair that will support your back and neck. Then, put your feet flat on the floor if you can, and place your hands on your thighs or at your sides.
Take a deep, calming breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, allowing the air to make a slight whooshing sound.
Breathe in again, slowly and deeply. Now breathe slowly out.
Inhale, a deep, cleansing breath. Exhale, feeling energized.
Keep breathing slow, calm breaths.
Focus on your thinking
For the next few moments, concentrate on your thoughts. First, notice the thoughts that arise, without dwelling on them or trying to change anything just yet.
Continue to just observe your thoughts. Notice each thought, and then allow it to pass.
Now let’s take some time to consider thoughts that can help with overcoming fatigue. I will repeat some affirmations, and you can think about them. If any of the thoughts seem especially relevant, you may choose to repeat them in your mind.
Affirmations for overcoming fatigue
Fatigue is a medical condition that can happen through no fault of your own. If you are experiencing fatigue, remind yourself that you are not choosing to be tired. You are not lazy. It is not your fault. You may want to repeat the following affirmations in your mind.
Fatigue is not my fault.
The relaxation script continues in the video below.
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