Autumn Leaves Visualization Relaxation

Take a break and relax by imagining scenes of fall with this autumn leaves visualization relaxation.

This visualization exercise begins with imagining an autumn scene. If you prefer to relax a bit before visualizing, you may want to listen to a quick relaxation audio first and then begin this one.

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Check out this episode!

Autumn Leaves Visualization Relaxation Script

autumn leaves visualization relaxation

Get comfortable and close your eyes. Allow yourself to imagine a beautiful fall scene. 

Imagine that it is autumn. It is a warm and beautiful afternoon. Picture yourself sitting in a brightly lit kitchen. A pie is baking in the oven, and apple cider is heating up in a pot on the stove. 

Imagine the smell of the apple cider…sweet-smelling and enticing. Imagine the smell of apples and spices. You can detect a hint of cinnamon. Take a deep breath, and imagine the delicious smell of the apple cider.

As you breathe out, let your body become more relaxed. Allow every breath to relax you, as you continue to take slow, steady breaths.

As the pie bakes, the scent of your favorite pie starts to fill the air. Imagine the most delicious kind of pie. Picture in your mind the smell of pie crust and filling. 

Visualize the pie baking. When the pie is done, you take it out of the oven to cool. The smell of fresh-baked pie is such a calming and comforting scent. Imagine the smells of pie and apple cider as they mingle together.

It is such a beautiful day. Sun shines through the window and makes the entire kitchen glow. 

It is afternoon, and as the sun moves lower in the sky, the colour of the sunlight becomes warmer and redder. The sky is still blue.

Imagine going outside.

Imagine putting on some warm clothes and going outside onto a deck. Everything is bathed in sunlight. 

Around you there are trees, lit up by the beaming sunlight. Their leaves glisten in the warm light. The autumn leaves are brilliant colours. Some are bright lemon yellow. There are brilliant orange leaves. Some leaves are red, and in the warm sunlight they are bright red like flames. A few trees still have some green leaves. You are surrounded by so many colours. 


The autumn leaves visualization relaxation script continues in the video below.

Autumn Leaves Visualization Relaxation

Take a break and relax by imagining scenes of fall with this autumn leaves visualization relaxation. Visit for more relaxation audio dow…

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