Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep

Relax your body and wind down to fall asleep as you imagine your muscles becoming warm and heavy with this autogenic relaxation for sleep.

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Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep Script

Get ready to go to sleep. Lie down, and try not to move around much. To begin, if you lie on your back with your arms at your sides and legs straight, this can help with circulation, which can help your muscles to relax.

Close your eyes, and take a few moments to mentally observe your body. Notice how you are feeling. Without trying to change how you feel, just observe…notice.

Notice your breathing. Pay attention to the air moving in and out. 


Now notice your body…how your muscles feel…just observe.


Turn your attention to your breathing again, and focus on breathing slowly. Take a slow breath in, pause, and then very slowly release the air.

Breathe in…and out…

Take a slow breath in…and breathe slowly out.

Now continue to slowly breathe at your own pace. Concentrate on your breathing. Focus only on breathing right now. Slow…and calm.


Continue to breathe slowly. You may notice that your breathing becomes slow and regular…all on its own…

Keep breathing slowly.

As you continue to breathe, think about your feet.

Imagine your feet becoming warmer. What would this feeling of warmth feel like in your feet? Imagine a very nice, pleasant and relaxing feeling of warmth starting in your toes, and spreading along the bottoms of your feet, all the way to your heels. 


Think about your hands now. Picture your hands warming up. Imagine the feeling of warmth in your hands, as if you were holding your hands under a warm stream of running water, or holding a warm cup of tea in both hands. What would this warmth feel like? 

As you imagine the feeling of warmth, you might even notice that your hands are becoming warmer.


Focus on your hands and your feet now. Imagine your hands and feet warming…relaxing. 


As you continue to relax, imagine a feeling of pleasant heaviness in your feet. Picture your feet becoming heavier…so warm and heavy and relaxed. 


The autogenic relaxation for sleep script continues in the video below.

Autogenic Relaxation for Sleep

Relax your body and wind down to fall asleep as you imagine your muscles becoming warm and heavy with this autogenic relaxation for sleep. Find more peaceful…

If you experience insomnia, or if you just want to fall asleep faster, these sleep relaxation scripts can help.