Imagine relaxing by the sea with the calming sound of ocean waves in the background with this guided visualization. Sit near the water on large, smooth rocks while watching birds, otters, whales, and peaceful waves. Then listen to soothing ocean waves for sleeping as you drift off to sleep.

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Relaxing by the Sea Visualization Relaxation Script
Imagine that you are outdoors on a bright, sunny morning. The ocean is nearby. You are walking toward the ocean, where you will sit on a big rock and relax by watching the waves.
It is a warm day with a breeze, and the temperature is just perfect.
You are at the top of a grassy hill. The water is down below, and from here on the hill, you can see the vast blue water stretching out before you. Take a moment here to look around at this beautiful place.
You are high above the water. The sun glistens on its surface. A gentle breeze blows, moving the grass near you. There are some little yellow flowers dotted along the hill, and the flowers sway with the grass.
In the distance across the water, you can see mountains topped with snow.
You look down toward the shore, and your eyes follow a path that weaves its way down the hillside. You will walk down that path soon, but for now, it is so beautiful here that you take a moment just to take it all in.
Relaxing by the sea with peaceful waves.
Gentle waves wash up onto a rocky shore. The beach is made of smooth, round pebbles. From here, the beach looks like a grey line weaving its way along the water.
You can see pieces of driftwood on the beach, and there are several places where large, smooth rocks meet the water.
The sky is blue and clear. The air has a clean, pure feeling. It is a beautiful morning.
Take a deep breath of the clean, fresh air as you look around at the amazing landscape.
You see the perfect spot to sit on some big, smooth rocks, and decide to start down toward the shore.
Relaxing by the Sea visualization relaxation script continues in the video below.
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