Tag: ocean waves
Relaxing by the Sea: Guided Visualization with Ocean Waves Sounds
Relaxing Beach Getaway Visualization
Take a tropical vacation in your imagination with this relaxing beach getaway visualization. Lounge at a luxurious patio and pool and walk along a peaceful white sand beach. For updates, videos, and relaxation techniques, you can find Relaxation Audio with Candi on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/relaxationaudio. Check out this episode! Relaxing…
Relaxing by the Sea: Guided Visualization with Ocean Waves Sounds
Relaxing Beach Getaway Visualization

Take a tropical vacation in your imagination with this relaxing beach getaway visualization. Lounge at a luxurious patio and pool and walk along a peaceful white sand beach. For updates, videos, and relaxation techniques, you can find Relaxation Audio with Candi on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/relaxationaudio. Check out this episode! Relaxing…