When a person experiences a fall, it can create anxiety about doing activities because the individual might worry about falling again. This fear of falling can result in increased caution and decreased activity, both of which can actually increase the likelihood of another fall. This guided imagery relaxation for overcoming fear of falling focuses on reducing feelings of nervousness to decrease concerns about falling. It includes calm breathing, muscle relaxation, and calming self-talk to increase confidence and help you get back to being active.
Listen to the relaxation audio here, or access the full written relaxation script below.

Relaxation for overcoming fear of falling: full relaxation script
Find a place where you can relax quietly for the next several minutes without being disturbed. Sit or lie down, and get into a comfortable position where you can relax. Close your eyes, and focus your attention inward.
Take a few moments now just to notice your breathing. Observe. Feel the air moving in and out of your body. Notice each breath as the air moves rhythmically, like gentle waves.
Observe your breathing, not trying to change anything. Just notice.
As you continue to pay attention to your breathing, allow distractions to slip away. Let everything around you fade into the background… all your worries, cares, and concerns… fading away… so all your awareness is simply on your breathing.
There is nothing you need to do right now, besides just observing as you slowly and calmly breathe. Allow your awareness to focus only on this moment and the gentle movement of air with every breath.
To aid in your focus on breathing, it can be helpful to count. In a moment, we will breathe in to the count of 5, hold for 2, and breathe out to the count of 7. This calm breathing is a relaxation technique you can use any time to help reduce anxiety and help yourself to feel calmer and more relaxed.
Let’s begin with a slow breath in. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Good. And hold, 1, 2.
Now slowly exhale. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold, 1, 2.
And breathe out. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
In. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold. 1, 2.
Exhale. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Inhale. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold. 1, 2.
Exhale. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Good. Keep breathing slowly, allowing yourself to settle into your own pace. Breathe calmly, aware of your gentle breaths.
Let all tension melt away as you continue to breathe.
As you breathe, allow your breath to be so gentle… exhale as if you are blowing toward a candle slowly so the flame just flickers without going out.
Nice, slow breaths.
Imagine the gently flickering flame of the candle… See the flame leaning ever so slightly away as you exhale, and moving back toward you as you inhale… flickering so gently…
Your breaths are so gentle, that the flame just flickers softly as you breathe.
Muscle Relaxation
Notice how your body feels… Just start by observing without trying to change anything.
Be aware of any areas of tension in your body, just acknowledging these for now.
Notice where your body feels the least tense and most relaxed.
Take a few more moments to observe how your body feels.
Now let’s focus on relaxing your muscles. We will relax a few key areas, starting with your shoulders.
Let your shoulders drop down, lowering them gently as you release the muscles there and allow them to relax. Now raise your shoulders up toward your ears, creating some gentle tension in your shoulder muscles. Hold for a moment, and then relax. Release the muscles of your shoulders, and let your shoulders relax, lowering your shoulders into a relaxed position once again.
Let all tension in your shoulders melt away. Imagine that your shoulders are like melting wax… slowly becoming softer… loosening and relaxing.
Imagine a calm, relaxed feeling in your shoulders. Let your shoulders totally relax. Loose, heavy, calm, and relaxed.
Turn your attention to your neck now. Let the muscles of your neck give up their hold, loosening and relaxing. Allow your neck muscles to release and relax… imagining a feeling of relaxation in your neck… so nice and relaxed.
Mentally scan your body, and notice any areas of tension.
If you notice areas that feel tense, allow these areas to relax. Imagine a feeling of relaxation spreading throughout your body… letting your muscles release any tension… allowing each area to relax.
Imagine breathing in relaxation, and releasing tension with every breath out.
Inhale relaxation… and breathe away tension.
Breathe in relaxation… and exhale tension.
Relaxation in… and tension out.
Allow your body to relax more and more with every breath.
Becoming more and more deeply relaxed… so calm… and so relaxed.
Guided Imagery: Calming Self-Talk
As you continue to relax, let’s consider some calming self-talk to help build your confidence and reduce concerns about falling.
I’ll repeat some calm self-talk, and you can choose to just listen and internalize each message that makes sense for you, or repeat the calming self-talk silently in your mind if you would like.
Let’s begin.
I am okay.
I am safe.
I am calm.
I take measures to stay safe.
I walk safely.
I challenge myself safely.
It is okay if I feel nervous, and it is okay to feel calm.
My feelings are okay.
I know how to relax, and I can relax my muscles, taking good care of myself.
I am getting stronger.
I am safe.
I stay safe.
I am steady.
I do the activities I love.
I am safe doing things I enjoy.
I am safe walking.
I am confident.
I am safe and secure.
I live my life with confidence.
I am safe going out.
Now think about any positive self-talk words of confidence that can help you, and repeat these messages to yourself, affirming the truth of the calm self-talk. Go ahead now, and focus on calm, accurate, confident self-talk, thinking of whatever messages you would like to tell yourself.
Guided Imagery: Picture Yourself Being Active and Safe
Imagine yourself doing the activities you enjoy. Safely, calmly, and with confidence.
Can you picture yourself safely, steadily walking? Imagine yourself moving safely. Create all the details in your mind’s eye.
Think about an activity where you used to feel a lack of confidence or any anxiety or nervousness related to concern about the possibility of a fall, and this time, imagine what it would be like to do this activity with complete safety and confidence.
Imagine if you were to do this activity with only the possibility of complete safety, competence, and confidence.
Picture yourself in as much detail as you can, with all the capability, confidence, stability, and skill to be completely safe and secure.
Imagine yourself doing this activity in rich detail.
Totally safe and secure.
Notice any feelings that arise as you imagine, just observing and accepting them. Feelings are okay. Without trying to change anything just yet, simply observe.
If there is any part of the picture that causes negative feelings, notice. What are the feelings? When do they come up?
Remember the feeling of relaxation from before. Allow any areas of tension to relax, even just a little. Breathe. Imagine breathing in relaxation, and breathing out tension.
If any negative feelings come up, it’s okay. Imagine breathing them out, releasing the feelings.
Picture breathing in relaxation… so calm and relaxed… with every breath, relaxing. Breathe in confidence… safe and secure… taking in calm relaxation with every breath.
Whenever you feel any tension arise, acknowledge that feeling, and then imagine breathing it away, little by little.
Let’s return to the image of yourself safe, secure, and confident.
Imagine what it feels like to be completely confident and totally safe.
Encourage and foster this feeling of confidence and safety.
Can you create more of the positive feelings? Maybe you can relax even more. Perhaps you can allow a feeling of confidence to grow… Imagine what confidence feels like, and let it increase… such a good, positive feeling.
Imagine yourself keeping these calm, confident feelings as you participate in being active. Picture yourself being active while feeling calm. Imagine exactly what that might look like.
Imagine yourself breathing calmly, standing tall, and letting any tense muscles relax. Lower your shoulders, lift your chin, relax your hands, and breathe. Imagine yourself so calm and confident.
If there is any sort of equipment or supports that can help with safety and confidence, you may want to picture yourself using these and feeling good.
Create all the details in your mind to picture yourself active, safe, and confident. Good balance. Strong. Steady. Confident. Calm.
Take a few more moments with this scene, remembering to breathe, and promoting feelings of calm and confidence.
Let’s return to simply relaxing, allowing your mind to drift… calmly relaxing. Just breathe.
Whenever you want to relax in the future, remember to breathe, release muscle tension, and allow your mind and body to relax. Your body knows how to relax, and you can purposely take a moment to breathe and release tension to create a state of calm and relaxation.
In the future, when you are being active, remember to breathe, stand tall, and allow tension to melt away.
Remember the feeling of relaxation, taking it with you, and keeping a calm and relaxed feeling both mentally and physically.
Now it’s time to finish this relaxation exercise.
When you are ready, prepare to return to your usual activities.
Open your eyes. Move around a little, wiggling your fingers and toes.
Return to your day feeling confident and refreshed.