Boat on a Calm Lake

This peaceful visualization guides you to imagine paddling a boat on a calm lake early in the morning. Enjoy the stillness as you relax in nature.

The visualization relaxation script begins with muscle relaxation. After you start to relax your body, imagine a peaceful, still lake just before sunrise. Paddle across the smooth, calm water to watch the sunrise and totally relax.

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calm lake sunrise
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Boat on a Calm Lake Peaceful Visualization Relaxation Script

Get ready to relax. Start by taking a few moments to relax your muscles and let go of tension. Close your eyes, and breathe slowly in and out. 

Slow, calm breaths.

Let your arms rest by your sides, and consciously release tension by allowing your arms to go limp. Relax your arms, shoulders, and neck.

Focus on your feet and legs now, and allow these muscles to relax. Let go of all tension in your feet and legs. Let them be completely limp and loose…nice and relaxed.

Now concentrate on the core of your body, near your stomach. You may notice that your stomach moves a little with each breath. Focus on your diaphragm moving down when you breathe in, to draw each breath into your lungs. As your diaphragm moves and air fills your lungs, your stomach moves out a little. As your diaphragm relaxes and rises when you breathe out, the air leaves your lungs and your stomach moves in a little. Pay attention to this gentle rise and fall of your stomach, and allow your body to relax as you breathe.


Relax your trunk now, relaxing your stomach, chest, sides, and back. Relax your face. Allow a feeling of relaxation to fill your body all the way from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. 

Continue to take slow breaths, and any time you notice tension in your muscles, relax the muscles and let the tension go.


Start to visualize this peaceful scene

Start to create a picture in your mind of a calm, beautiful lake. It is very early in the morning. The sun is still below the horizon, but you can tell that morning is coming because a few birds have started to sing. 

The surface of the water is perfectly smooth and still. It is reflective like a mirror. A few tiny streaks of light and a gentle glow show where the sun will soon rise, and you can see the glow of the sky reflected in the smooth surface of the water. 

This is a perfect morning to go out for a relaxing boat ride on the water. Imagine choosing a kayak, canoe, or rowboat. The boat is already waiting for you at the water’s edge. A little dock extends into the water, and the boat is there, tied to the dock. 


The visualization exercise continues in this relaxation video.

Boat on a Calm Lake

This peaceful visualization guides you to imagine paddling a boat on a calm lake early in the morning. Enjoy the stillness as you relax in nature. The visual…

More visualization relaxation scripts