When you are feeling anxious and looking for a way to get rid of anxiety quickly, try this quick relaxation to decrease anxiety. Calm breathing, grounding techniques, and a few progressive muscle relaxation exercises tell your brain and body to relax. Helpful for calming down, stopping panic attacks, and reducing anxiety.
Consult with a medical professional if you are not sure if anxiety is the cause of what you are experiencing or if anxiety or other symptoms are interfering with living a satisfying life.
When you do this relaxation exercise, avoid any movements that cause discomfort. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and releasing muscle groups. Just tense your muscles to the point of tightness, but not to the point of discomfort or pain. Avoid any uncomfortable movements and perform each exercise gently.

Find the Relaxation Audio with Candi podcast on iTunes, on Google Podcasts, on YouTube, at http://relaxation-audio.libsyn.com, or wherever you get podcasts.
Quick Relaxation to Decrease Anxiety Script
Let’s begin with calm breathing. Breathe slowly as I count to three.
Inhale, 1, 2, 3.
Breathe out, 1, 2, 3.
Inhale, 1, 2, 3.
Exhale 1, 2, 3.
Nice and slow breaths in, 2, 3.
And out, 1, 2, 3.
Keep breathing slowly and calmly. Let your breathing move rhythmically. Even, slow, calm breaths.
Now we will use grounding techniques to help you be aware of your environment and your body. This will help you become calm, because it tells your brain that you are safe.
First, be aware of how you are feeling. It’s okay if you are feeling anxious right now. This feeling will pass. Anxiety will not last forever. It cannot last forever. The anxiety will pass. It will go away soon. Remind yourself that it is okay to be anxious. This anxiety will not hurt you. Keep reminding yourself that anxiety is okay, you are okay, and you are getting through this.
Now pay attention to your body. Rub your hands together. Feel the friction between your hands. This movement can ground you if you are feeling disoriented. This simple movement can help you feel calm. Hear the sound of your hands rubbing together. Notice the feeling of your skin. Feel the warmth generated on your palms.
Now hold your hands together so the fingertips of your right hand are touching the matching fingertips of your left hand. Notice the gentle pressure between your thumbs, index fingers, middle fingers, ring fingers, and little fingers. Be present here, right now, knowing that you are safe.
Tap your fingertips together gently. Feel each fingertip touching briefly and then moving apart.
This anxiety relief relaxation script continues in this relaxation video.