Reduce muscle tension in the neck and back to decrease neck pain, relax your muscles, and feel calm and relaxed. A pleasant physical relaxation technique using passive progressive muscle relaxation.

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Muscle Relaxation for the Neck and Back: Full Relaxation Script
This exercise can be done seated or lying down. Get ready to relax by closing your eyes or focusing your gaze on one spot in the room. Take a deep breath, and imagine letting your worries go as you breathe out. Breathe slowly, concentrating on being present here in this moment.
Begin to relax your muscles, starting with your shoulder area. Let your shoulders relax, and consciously bring your shoulders down, lowering them away from your ears. As you lower your shoulders, allow the muscles of your neck and shoulders to lengthen…releasing tension.
Continue to breathe as you relax your shoulders…letting every bit of tension go, and leaving your shoulders loose and relaxed.
Now focus on the back of your head, where your head and neck meet. Imagine this area relaxing. Concentrate on a feeling of loose, pleasant relaxation.
Picture the feeling of relaxation flowing slowly down to relax the rest of your neck. Let your neck muscles relax so they feel pleasantly loose. Let all tension melt away.
Concentrate on the muscles on the back of your neck, and imagine that they are like springs running down either side of your spine. Picture these muscles like springs slowly unwinding…and imagine all tension leaving as they loosen…lengthen…and straighten. Becoming so relaxed and loose. It is as if they are melting…softening. Let all tension go…just letting your neck completely relax. A calm, pleasant feeling.
Imagine a slightly warm, relaxed feeling…maybe a little bit tingly. Let your neck and shoulders relax completely. So calm…and nice…and relaxed.
Allow the relaxation to continue, slowly spreading downward…relaxing your upper back. Let the muscles of your upper back become soft and relaxed. Relax the areas behind your shoulder blades. Relax your spine from the base of your neck, down to your upper back.
Breathe calm, slow breaths as you allow a feeling of relaxation to grow…totally relaxing the muscles of your upper back.
Feel the relaxation in your upper back…and allow this relaxed feeling to continue to move downward, relaxing your middle back and lower back. Focus in the centre of your back, relaxing your spine. Imagine your spine lengthening ever so slightly…releasing tension…decompressing. Allow the muscles on either side of your spine to relax…releasing…giving up any tension. Relax the sides of your back, all the way from the top of your back, beneath each arm, down to your hips. Let your entire back relax.
Focus on your lower back, where your spine and hips meet. Allow this area to relax even further. Let the muscles loosen and relax…becoming so pleasantly relaxed and loose. Free from tension.
Concentrate on your breathing now. Notice each breath moving gently in and out. You might even notice that you can relax even more deeply. Let your neck and back relax completely…filled with relaxation. Imagine that with every breath, you breathe in a feeling of relaxation, and it relaxes your neck and back even more.
Picture breathing out tension every time you exhale…releasing any remaining tension. Breathing in relaxation…and breathing out tension.
It feels wonderful to relax. Allow your neck and your back to become perfectly relaxed as you take a few moments now to enjoy a feeling of relaxation and serenity.
When you are ready to conclude this relaxation exercise, reawaken your body slowly. Open your eyes as you continue to take calm breaths.
Rub your hands together, and stretch if you want to. Take the time you need, and when you are ready, return to your day feeling calm and refreshed.
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Looking for more relaxation for health and guided imagery downloads? Find a complete list of Relaxation for Health Audio here.