Guided Relaxation Exercise for Overcoming Fatigue

Increase feelings of motivation with this guided relaxation exercise for overcoming fatigue. Boost energy, reduce fatigue, and improve focus. Remind yourself to set limits and prioritize without feeling guilty. Remember to subscribe to Relaxation Audio with Candi for a new relaxation podcast episode each week! If you experience chronic fatigue,…

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Relaxation for Overcoming Panic Attacks in Public

Relaxation for overcoming panic attacks in public is an exercise that will help you regain a feeling of calm if you find yourself experiencing a panic attack. You can listen to this relaxation audio to stop a panic attack that occurs in a public place or when you are on…

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Relaxation for Getting Rid of Hiccups

Hiccups can be irritating, even exhausting. This relaxation for getting rid of hiccups can help make hiccups go away. This relaxation technique involves three things for getting rid of hiccups: slow breathing, mental focus, and muscle relaxation. Usually these techniques stop hiccups within a minute or two. This is a…

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