Bible Reading for Relaxation and Prayer – Psalms 1 – 8

This relaxation audio is a reading of Psalms 1 through 8. Relax as you listen to God’s word with this Bible reading for relaxation and prayer.

I will read Psalms 1 to 8 from the Open English Bible, which is available for free at As you listen, you may just want to quietly absorb God’s word, or you might want to pray. Some of these Psalms are prayers, and praying along with the Bible can be a good way to do a guided prayer. 

As you prepare for this Bible reading for relaxation and prayer, get comfortable. Take a deep breath, and let your mind become calm and settled as you exhale slowly. Get ready to listen to these Psalms, and hear what God may be speaking to you during this time together.

Take a moment of quiet to relax, breathe, and pray if you want to, and afterward we will begin with Psalm 1.

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Relaxation Script: Bible Reading for Relaxation and Prayer

I will read Psalms 1 to 8 from the Open English Bible, which is available for free at As you listen, you may just want to quietly absorb God’s word, or you might want to pray. Some of these Psalms are prayers, and praying along with the Bible can be a good way to do a guided prayer.

As you prepare for this Bible reading for relaxation and prayer, get comfortable. Take a deep breath, and let your mind become calm and settled as you exhale slowly. Get ready to listen to these Psalms, and hear what God may be speaking to you during this time together.

Take a moment of quiet to relax, breathe, and pray if you want to, and afterward we will begin with Psalm 1.

Psalm 1 – The Way of Happiness

Happy are those
who do not follow the counsel of the wicked,
not halting in ways frequented by sinners,
nor taking a seat in a gathering of scoffers.
But the law of the Lord is their joy,
they study it day and night.
They are like trees
planted by runlets of water,
yielding fruit in due season,
leaves never fading.
In all that they do, they prosper
Not so fare the wicked, not so;
like chaff are they, blown by the wind.
So the wicked will not stand firm in the judgment,
nor sinners appear, when the righteous are gathered.
For the way of the righteous is dear to the Lord,
but the way of the wicked will end in ruin.


Bible Reading for Relaxation and Prayer – Psalms 1 – 8

This relaxation audio is a reading of Psalms 1 through 8. Relax as you listen to God’s word. For more peaceful relaxation scripts for sleep, stress relief, a…

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