Quick Relaxation to Decrease Anxiety

When you are feeling anxious and looking for a way to get rid of anxiety quickly, try this quick relaxation to decrease anxiety. Calm breathing, grounding techniques, and a few progressive muscle relaxation exercises tell your brain and body to relax. Helpful for calming down, stopping panic attacks, and reducing…

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Relaxation for Feeling Overwhelmed

If you are feeling overwhelmed, relaxation can help. Use this relaxation for feeling overwhelmed to take a break, reduce anxiety, and improve mental clarity. Check out this episode! When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to fit in one more thing, so this is a short relaxation exercise. After the…

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Anxiety Relief Relaxation

Anxiety relief relaxation exercise to reduce anxiety. Helpful for panic attacks or generalized anxiety. Includes physical exercise such as squats and wall pushups. Check out this episode! Disclaimer Use this anxiety relief relaxation technique if you have confirmed that your symptoms are related to anxiety, and not another medical condition….

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