Calming Winter Walk Visualization Relaxation

This calming winter walk visualization relaxation is a guided visualization exercise that will allow you to imagine a peaceful walk outdoors in a frosty forest.

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Calming Winter Walk Visualization Relaxation

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Calming Winter Walk Visualization Relaxation Script

Take a moment to get comfortable. Allow any stressful thoughts to leave. Begin to settle your mind. Just breathe…slowly in and out…as you let any worries go.

As you keep breathing slowly, let your muscles relax. Consciously relax your muscles by letting your shoulders drop into a lower, more relaxed position. Loosen your hands. Relax your jaw. Feel your body rise as you take a deep breath in…and then let your body sink into a relaxed position as you slowly breathe out.

Continue to take slow, calm breaths as you begin to create a picture in your mind.

Imagine that you are outdoors, walking on a snowy path into a peaceful forest.

Frost clings to the tree branches. There is snow everywhere, and it sparkles and glistens in the sunlight.

It is morning, and the sun is low in the sky. The golden sunlight bathes everything in a warm, gentle light. It shines through the trees, making their frosty white branches glow.

The snow beneath your feet is packed and easy to walk on. A path winds through the trees. On either side of the path are small bushes. Every so often you brush against one of the small branches, and the frost is brushed off and into the air, where it flutters in a sparkling cloud and gently falls to the snowy ground behind you.

Imagine the trees around you.

The trees around you are mostly deciduous trees that have long since lost their leaves. Thick frost clings to each branch, coating every tree.

There are some coniferous trees with dark, green needles. They, too, are covered with frost, making the trees appear glittering white, with just a few holes where the greenery shows through. These trees also have a layer of snow on their larger boughs.

Imagine looking around at this beautiful forest. Snow carpets the ground and the larger tree branches, and a layer of sparkling frost covers every small branch. The tree trunks are darker, and stand out beautifully in the brilliant white landscape.

The sky above is blue, but closer to the horizon it appears golden. The sun shines like a fiery ball of pure gold. 

As you walk, imagine the crunch of your steps on the snow. 

You can see a cloud of fog with each breath. Imagine breathing in the cool, clean air. It is refreshing. Picture a cloud of mist as you breathe out. 

Breathe slowly.

Imagine that with every breath out, you are expelling any tension or stress in your body. You can see the tension as a cloud of mist that leaves through your mouth, creates a cloud in the air, and then dissipates. Each cloud billows forth and then disappears. Imagine stress and tension leaving your body and then disappearing.

Breathe in the refreshing, relaxing air.

Now breathe out, expelling any tension out and away.

Breathe in relaxation.

And now breathe out tension.

Continue to relax further with each breath you take.


The Calming Winter Walk Visualization Relaxation script continues in the video below.

Calming Winter Walk Visualization Relaxation

This calming winter walk visualization relaxation is a guided visualization exercise that will allow you to imagine a peaceful walk outdoors in a frosty fore…

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